Infanta Ana de Jesus Maria of Portugal

Infanta Dona Ana de Jesus Maria of Portugal (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈɐnɐ dɨ ʒɨˈzuʃ mɐˈɾiɐ]; English: full name: Ana de Jesus Maria Luís Gonzaga Joaquina Micaela Rafaela Francisca Xavier de Paula de Bragança e Bourbon; Mafra, October 23, 1806 – Rome, June 22, 1857) was a Portuguese infanta and youngest daughter of King John VI of Portugal and his wife Carlota Joaquina of Borbón.

On December 5, 1827, she married Dom Nuno José Severo de Mendonça Rolim de Moura Barreto, then Marquis of Loulé and Count de Vale de Reis, future Duke of Loulé. Subsequently, he served several times as prime minister of Portugal). The wedding was celebrated in a private ceremony in the chapel of the Royal Ajuda Palace and was a scandal at the time. Although Loulé was a nobleman and remote descendant of Portugal's royal dynasty, Dona Ana de Jesus was the first infanta of Portugal since the Middle Ages to marry a man who was not of royal rank. The reasons for the marriage were probably not political, considering the couple's first child was born on December 27, 1827, twenty-two days after the ceremony. The marriage had not been approved by D. Ana's father, King John VI, prior to his death (strictly, Portuguese law at the time only stated that the marriage of the heiress presumptive required the sovereign's consent, a position D. Ana never held). Nor were either of her brothers present in the country at the time of the wedding (both claimed the kingship from abroad). The designated regent of the kingdom was D. Ana's elder sister, Infanta Isabel Maria of Portugal, who was present in Lisbon. The marriage was not an elopement, as the royal family was aware of the couple's intention to marry and D. Ana's mother facilitated rather than sought to prevent the marriage before her daughter gave birth.

With the restoration of absolutism in Portugal in 1831 the couple was exiled and began extended travel through Europe. They had several other children abroad. The marriage ended with a de facto separation in 1835. The infanta died before her husband was created a duke.

D. Ana's heir, and the head of the Loulé ducal line is her great-great-great-grandson D. Pedro Folque de Mendoça Rolim de Moura Barreto, 6th Duke of Loulé. He is considered by some to be the rightful pretender to the defunct Portuguese throne by virtue of his ancestors' uninterrupted domicile on Portuguese soil, although the duke makes no active claim to that legacy and accepted recognition of his ducal title from the Portuguese nobiliary institution headed by another pretender, Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza.

Nuno da Câmara Pereira, a famous fado singer, belongs to the Partido Popular Monárquico (PPM) in the Assembly of the Republic and descends from D. Ana. He promotes restoration of the monarchy under his branch of the Loulé family, despite the fact that his lineage from the infanta is both less senior than that of his cousin the duke, and is through an illegitimate line. PPM, however, has inclined toward the Duke of Loulé as its candidate for the throne.


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